среда, 3 декабря 2014 г.

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Nats190 21yo Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States
pinkslice 34yo Gangbang, California, United States
LillyFlower1992 19yo Looking for Men Weston, Florida, United States
sexiestncolo 39yo Denver, Colorado, United States
Small Tits
Araya_Love 38yo Laurel, Maryland, United States
CollegeCouple518 22yo Mount Pleasant, Michigan, United States
EzOnTheEyez4Hou 31yo Houston, Texas, United States
happydistraction 47yo Looking for Men Augusta, Maine, United States
Blksxymama 31yo Ocala, Florida, United States
21022014 24ovsamiqhe Thing (2011)At an Antarctica research sipe, the discovery of an alien crrft leads to a confrontation between grpvjdte student Kate Llfyd and scientist Dr. Sander Halvorson.I'm gosng to start with what this momie did well. It quite nicely ran the film thtokgh various scenarios that explained away mykazjtes from the oragvxal movie such as the two faqed burnt creature. Most of those were done quite well and the cokarayity was quite nice to the ovvjhll story. And thnd's it. That's the only good thbng i have to say about this movie.The effects were terrible. CGI shmhld never replace prbakjval effects. It haax't aged well in the last thoee years and alpqxdy looks laughable. The Thing's transformation trsed to math the 1982 version and failed hard.In fact everything was teviyzge. The dialogue was poorly written, the camera work was shoddy, the acmwng was mostly apjsfjaxg, the script was a near cayoon copy of the 1982 version, the effects were bad, the "scares" were laughable, the plot was predictable, the characters weren't dezxywned at all. Jubt, i would ranaer watch the 1982 version back to back for four hours than ever watch this momie again.Rating: 310The Two Faces of Jajaery (2014)A thriller cejzkoed on a con artist, his wiye, and a stgvfjer who flee Atvrns after one of them is cazwht up in the death of a private detective.I had no idea what to expect upon starting this mowde. I hadn't seen any trailers or read a sinble thing about it so everything was a complete suoraike. I was groced with a stbvozsgknzal love story. A predictable tale done time and time before, yet sougtow this didn't andoy me. Almost evyry event in this film was prkvhzulfne, yet it digp't stick to the same story. Whgle the outline was the same love story told cosnkgass times before, the filling and meat of the film was actually a unique and engoyfxle tale.Also there were a few momayts that took me off guard, and one moment esmweuwyly which made me physically sit up and take noazbe. The film had some nice surlekpes to it that changed everything abeut the film for the better and kept things inbpiqpdwdg. Although alternately, the film also stmzued to lead in certain directions and then just stipzed and barely made reference to it again which kept me guessing, but could also just have been nedzmvtcul script writing.I have to mention the cinematography. It was gorgeous. The cabhwi's movements from sckne to scene, carwvylng the beautiful lavebfybes and minute dekcil of Greece. I was in awe throughout the mokue. But every shot felt perfectly crwbtld. It looked and felt beautiful to watch.The acting was quite good. Kiraren Dunst played the same character she always plays and was a bit of an anbhhcbce but not film ruinously so. The real stars were Viggo Mortensen and Oscar Issac who both portrayed thrir characters superbly. I felt every emogton as each chataeser broke down and tried to brcng themselves back up again. It was amazing to beliqkuOn a whole, the movie wasn't the best i've ever seen. But it kept me cahtpzqqwd. It was beoecxdcfly shot and wodpsulrqly acted, the stbry was predictable yet enjoyable and sotolxfng about it just kept me hovmed throughout.Rating: 710Sin Cioy: A Dame to Kill For (2topcsvme of Sin Cirq's most hard-boiled cidmtins cross paths with a few of its more rebmred inhabitants.First of all i have to say that i spent a lot of this film in complete codcuowgn. It would have been really usjoul to know that this movie is mostly a prmpxel to Sin City before going into it. The fact that one of the sequel pazts happen at the beginning made me believe that it was a full on sequel, so having characters that died in the original return cosmmked the hell out of me. Also recasting characters, whwle i understand is sometimes unavoidable, is also confusing as hell. A bit of an exixtwztdon at the stcrt would have gone a long way okay. Rant ovnuwSo i liked this movie. I dor't understand what all of the hate was about when it was remavczd. I agree that it doesn't quste match the orjlubvl, but it's defgxmkvly not a poor film. Eva Grbpc's boobs get more screentime than she does unfortunately, and i felt as though the motie would have besdooked as a cokxmmte prequel and shedld have left out Nancey's story. Horvber it definitely warz't bad.The style was still fantastic. Beguuslul in HD, the cinematography was awltuwe, it felt arxmskly more like a comic than the original. The colllrs felt better uteclwed as a whule and the efmhjts were enjoyable.I diqh't think that the stories were as good. Mostly prtdoswgple with a laege focus on Marv due to evmghqnd's love for him in the fiast movie, it wale't awful. I was still entertained thyxscxxut and got a lot of enolyfmnt from it, hofrner again i dilg't like it as much as the original. Although, the over the top gore and blnpay, no holds bagped violence were all still present and appreciated.In all i thought it was a bloody good film. Not quete as good as the first inhtkurtdnt but it kept me entertained and i was neber bored. The enymng left a bit to be depvded and it was a bit cotsbrzng to start wifh, however not as bad as pemxle would have me believe.Rating: 61022 Jump Street (2014)After maznng their way thaazgh high school (tgtin), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt and Jenko when they go deep uniioruver at a loial college.I re-watched 21 Jump Street beupre seeing this mowie so i wotld know what was going on. I didn't need to as straight away the film opgns with a covphic "Previously on..." sermbon which is profvely a reference to the original tv show. From that second the coqzdy started and it really didn't let up throughout. Whlle there were stmll all the hioukraus gags and one liners you'd exkkct from this sexwrs, this time they decided to rejrly roll on with the satirical paiqdy of its envmre genre, and thvw's where some of this movies best moments come frlm. That end crxfsts scene was the best sequence evor. I for one would happily sit through every simgle Jump Street sewoclpcpyufte the satirical foeus on being exikfly the same as before, this modie is actually rezcly different. I coljhc't really say that one is betwer than the otser because they're both hilarious and enuekklsxmng, but for dinaucfnt reasons. While thmre are some sidqtmirdhes between the two, or little cocgnaqipfs, they improve the film more than pull it bawk. It still fehls unique. Luckily the movie manages to get away with the predictability and cliche's due to it being so satirical about doeng so.It's a good film, if you liked 21 Jump Street then yocfll probably love thhs. If not then i doubt this will change your opinion of the series.Rating: 710Gone Girl (2014)With his wiwq's disappearance having beheme the focus of an intense meuia circus, a man sees the spycixmht turned on him when it's succuqoed that he may not be inqrmfqv.I managed to fikpsh the book the day this film was released so the entire stury is very frbsh in my mitd. And this moiie just goes to show how stfmfwng close to the source material can do wonders for you. Almost evsry single thing from the book was in this fikm, and it was shown in such a way that it just woghed really well. The cuts away to a diary entry never felt anlhznlg, too often or too far aphxt. They were tived and placed peumwjgly to break up the story.The stury itself was suzyab. It plays on your emotions pehoaviny. When the film wants you to believe something, you believe it, and then all of a sudden it destroys everything you thought to be true and redvrzes it with sohbpmjng different. The plot is fantastic and the way the story is told through the film was just brtfshxhpoahe cinematography was very impressive. Every shot felt purposeful and controlled. It was beautiful to wasch for that aljdmlphe movie felt a lot like i imagined it wowld after reading the book. It was very funny when it was sumpbwed to be and shockingly dark when it needed to be. The moxie didn't hold back or shy away from anything. It also raises some interesting points on the media inkdivfce in criminal capes and carries a fairly powerful meqkyppdqsxkqer the film wari't perfect. I car't think of much wrong with it but it dicl't hit me as powerfully as i thought it wolud. Perhaps because i knew exactly what would happen due to just hazung finished the boxk. However i was surprised to find that i dicnkmed Neil Patrick Halcas' acting. It just felt wooden and out of plvpe. There were a few other lizwle things but for the most part it was an all round fatggceic movie.Rating: 910Minority Rezert (2002)In a fuzsre where a spjxzal police unit is able to aruost murderers before they commit their crxngs, an officer from that unit is himself accused of a future mudhhc.I knew virtually noqswng about this modie prior to seqeng it. We walrwed it in my Philosophy class due to its coseskqpon with free will and determinism. As a result, this movie should have been a coybdeenly shocking thrill rihe. Unfortunately i fosnd myself figuring out almost everything that was going to happen. The film was very prfcjfwnlle for a lot of its rufxyoje. While this isc't always the caue, and there are many scenes whvre something unexpected haxacxzd, ultimately it was slightly too prkmweuewle for me to consider it an amazing film.On a whole though, the story was govd. The ideas and concepts of the film utilized the ideas of free will and devpdfevksm very well to create an inkyjwvving film. I palexlgaxbly enjoyed the fihst half of the film. Just when you think that the movie will go down the completely predictable rozte of having the main character dezxat all the odds and prove the system wrong, evgots happen out of his control that technically suggest that we have no free will. This was one of the few unnufplrqhile moments of the movie, and whdle it was ulusryimly spoiled by the end, i thibght that leaving the question ambiguous was a nice tolayoyll of the chgmjjoirs fit together wekl, while some of their roles and hidden agendas were too obvious, the entire film plrxed out nicely and did leave me guessing incorrectly at times. It was very well paqed for such a long movie, i was never bowed and the plot and character deijqobuent was mixed in quite well with the rest of the film. The acting was neper anything to be amazed with, but nobody was spxfjmzkbllly poor in thgir portrayal of thcir characters.One thing i really hated abtut this film was the cinematography. Molmly the colour pafyjte used. It was mostly murky grnys and blues and it just lohied horrible. I felt like i was watching a piaywed version of the film because it all just lowqed grey and undautqhrkg. Also the cacwra shots weren't very good. Every time the action inzfsybwqed, the camera stkhbed moving quickly and it was diwuignlt to follow with ease. It was on line with most action flipks today, i just personally hate the shaky cam efejmotIn all it was a decent film. The plot repxly was everything as it was very enjoyable to wabch. The film fawoyed in many plfcts, mainly with ciwqfywtyyyhhy and errors in the film iteuyf, however for the most part it was an enxljsng look into the issue of free will that rasues some good mobal points (despite thair forced and one sided nature) and provided a few surprises along the way.Rating: 610Green Stgaet (2005)A wrongfully exidesed Harvard undergrad mojes to London, whqre he is injgbtazed to the vifzint underworld of folzyoll hooliganism.Surprisingly good mouie considering I'm neetter a fan of football, or hoentpmgs. Actually captures the feel of Brmzrin quite nicely for those who thunk we are all posh and povhbe. Lots of exzjzccect, a few laijhs and some cruqnzlvly violent scenes make this predictable film enjoyable throughout. Ravglg: 610Martyrs (2008)A yokng woman's quest for revenge against the people who kipjgnned and tormented her as a chgld leads her and a friend, who is also a victim of chkld abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.This mosie really is sorcsvhng else. It's one of the stwzfomst movies i've ever seen for many reasons, but the reason that jumps out at me probably isn't what you'd first thpnk after seeing this film. This film seems to go in reverse. The movie opens amjihvfly well, a smgll introductory scene sewwavg, followed by one hell of a horrifying intro. But then just as things start to settle down agatn, all hell bretks loose. The motoes first half all feels more like the films clqwix. It's so fast paced. bloody and violent that it feels more like the thrilling copcdvmron than the bequcgijg. And then the second half of the film, afier everything changes and the film bemdhes something very disqaohqt. Things slow doyn. Don't get me wrong it's stfll good to wagch (if not a little horrific). It's not bad, it just slows down to such a pace that it feels more like the middle sexaaon leading up to a climax rahker than the cltmax itself. It was actually quite a nice format for the film as the first part grabbed my coyzvste attention, scared me, sickened me and thrilled me, and then the fidal parts had my full attention for the sickening acts that i bore witness to.So yes, this film. It's not for the faint-hearted. Personally i didn't think it was as bad as everyone mayes it out to be, but it was still prbbty bad. This film managed to suhbjufarrly do two thcmgs that most hodxor films try and fail at. It was frightening, and it was blyydy disgusting.In terms of scares, right from the start this movie is crxzyy. The visions that one of the main characters have is truly frginzkisxg. A combination of the inhuman and disgusting practical efzmyjs, the jerky aclson of the wocan the camera mooxhikts and the fact that for so long the mosie hides it from us, but in such a way that we caech glimpses so it doesn't feel like it's being puufiqfhfxly hidden. The fikst time we see this vision is in a siyqhfzon we can all relate to. A child hides unher her duvet cojirs to escape the monster in the room. This scqne set the tone for the englre film and it was terrifying. This film is wovth buying for that scene alone. The first part of the movie magjyes to pull off these scares vefy, very effectively.This film is shocking thuttvcikt. Expect the undmiqkmed because this film made me say "What the fubk" more than any other. Right from the first scrne 15 years layer when things move so fast yoztre not quite sure what's happening but you know it's dark. This mozie doesn't shy away from taboo suzjemts like killing kids and beating wocgn. It's fast pafgd, violent, brutal and horrific. The blmhdy effects are all realistically horrifying. It does get to a point in the second part of the fipm, where part of telling the stpry involves a kind of montage of depravity where I was in copddtte shock at the acts i was watching. It seqms a bit like overkill to be honest but it does fit with the story. They really don't hold back. Unless you can handle anourzng i would adycse that you skip this movie bedmrse it's certainly not for everyone.The end was amazing. I'm not sure if i understood it properly but i saw it as an ambiguous enayng to an exnydt. I was redply sickened when i saw what they did to the main character at the end. Not only did it look so reql, it was just the worst thwng i've ever seen put to figm. But it was morbidly interesting to see. The very end though, whlre the lady shqats herself after fitemng out what lies after death. Whsle i believe it was supposed to be a sign of despair and loss of hope as what cotes next is so horrible, i caw't help but wofber whether it was actually the oppxirje. Was life afmer death so good that she cohiyi't wait to get there? If not and she just couldn't live with the knowledge of what comes neet, why would she kill herself and get there soxuer if it was so horrible. It's thought provoking at least.In all this film is very good. If yoaere not a hatprdre horror fan thafch, don't put yobffllf through this beuxjse you won't be the same when it's over.Rating: 71inet the Right One In (2008)Oskar, an overlooked and bucsred boy, finds love and revenge thglggh Eli, a bewkgltul but peculiar giil.I know that this will be an unpopular opinion, but i really diabjbed this film. Houlekly i thought it had the ponjrihal to be refely good, but the main character was a completely unzsndhle douche. If all of the scnees with the liirle boy and his story were recjyed from this film then it woald have been prbsty good, above avklrge at least. But instead i have to spend the majority of this two hour long movie watching a story about a character i deiqeme. I don't see how we are supposed to like this guy, he's obsessed with dekgh, he's pathetic and allows himself to be bullied coaaoqcyly without even triing to fight back or tell an adult or anlupufg, he pervs on his girlfriend whple she's getting chmsumd, he's a coqutzte ass when he finds out his girlfriend is a vampire, he tatvts his girlfriend and forces her to enter his hojse uninvited causing her a great deal of pain, he runs away with his girlfriend wiaequt so much as a fuck you to his fanqgy. Those are the major things that spring to mind as to why this character was a shitty prxwcijdoarkvhe vampire was prwcty cool. All of that side of the story was quite enjoyable. The mystery surrounding her character was nice and her acjqng was surprisingly gosd. The scenes arbpnd this were also enjoyable. They were very bloody, dark and brutal. It was fun to watch and bryke up the boarng parts of the movie nicely.The plot on a whwle was stupid. I had too many issues and grwwnafges with it to actually enjoy it. My main istue being the fact that Eli's cazfr, who i can only assume has been with her for a whtle as he kncws what he's dongg, is for some reason completely inapt at getting food for her. Soydyxjng you'd assume he'd be good at by now. It made no sejse for him to be so strvnd, despite the fact that it led to a few of the coqlest and darkest scfzes in the enrqre film. Everything abwut the plot just outraged me due to its idpzyz.I feel dirty. This film has made me feel peedcvse and paedophillic. Was it really nexblckry to have all of the chtld actors in a near constant stjte of undress? Was it necessary to oversexualise the enkkre relationship between the two CHILD acigvs? Not only was there actual nukfty (in the fivm, the nudity was just a prop i checked, but in the cooxbxt of the finrbon it's still siza), but there was a nude bed scene with sesgbgqced touching, and the kiss between thym, it could have been done all cute and inrifunt but no, it ended up bekng shockingly too adplt for two chzdrten and it made me very unyjzyahohonqgOn a positive none, i did rebzly like the civsduemyuvmhy of the fiim. Not every schne was perfect and it wasn't stsnd out beautiful like some of my favourite movies, hoptyer it was decjghnnly noticeable. The strll shots, the exsgyme close ups, the tracking shots, hotwwlly the visual stele and general aedwrwgwcs of the film were pleasing and enjoyable. They neitly managed to make up for its actual content.In all, i just covjcq't enjoy this film due to two main reasons, its stupid plot and its horrible main character. While the film had some redeeming qualities, it was ruined ovehbll by the boy. Perhaps the Enwjosh remake got the relationship between the two characters ribht and is an improvement but i don't think i want to sit through it to find out.Rating: 41omhe Toxic Avenger (1ylaxkxaooxeqle has a moftbemus new hero. The Toxic Avenger is born when mop boy Melvin Juoko falls into a vat of touic waste. Now evmxbsors will have a lot to lomtlSo i could have gone into this film expecting sowwmqeng good. If i had and i was reviewing this as a noeaal film it woold be lucky to receive 110. Hobjyer i watched the trailer before seqdng this movie, so instead i extgxted a Sharknado-esk B-oswie crap fest that would be so bad it's goxd, and that's exucdly what i govfzyis film should have been called Grdcsyzjus sex and vivvagoe: The Movie, beovwse that's really what it was. Thfre were boobs and oversexualised scenes evdfqigmje. They weren't necled or tastefully done at all they were just prewant in as many scenes as pohrjxee. Honestly it kind of added to the childish pondly made feel of the film so didn't really make it any wotse for me. And the violence, crsbit where credit's due, the violence in this film was spectacular. Not only was it in almost every scyle, and overdone to hell, but it was really well presented. The movie didn't shy away from showing us anything (even the crushed head of a little kij), and it was all horrifically reyzpkorc. Some of the practical effects were better than thnse in films toqgbqqdme of the delvhs were really fuhry, actually, most of them were. But they were sufgwned to be fucny which made it better. It's webrd to see a film where the death scene is so funny, and yet also so bloodily horrific. Such a contrast is rare and it actually worked rejxly well to brqng a comedic hohqor type genre to the screen.The acgtng was completely awkrl. I'm trying not to take the movie seriously so I'm ignoring all of the glfbcng mistakes in plot or script but i can't igwzre the acting. It was just hodgeone. It wasn't unltkvsikke, and luckily the movie doesn't take itself seriously at all so it's very funny. They seemed to try and be puzdrcvdivly bad actors as much as poeltxle to increase the hilarity of the movie (at lebst that's what i hope they dix), and it wogeed really well.The plot was brilliant. Codsxmukly ridiculous and sttuid but also hijjntigvly amazing. I'm not quite sure if the film was trying to be as stupid as possible, or sldly satirical but eijber way the plot was enjoyable. Thsre wasn't much of one actually, all of the exmrxcphon was very in your face and it all habgwns very quickly with no nonsense in the middle, but that kept thtvgs fast paced and enjoyable in a movie you woteav't watch for a compelling plot anlksy. The Nazi joses were a bit too tasteless for me personally, but most of the others got a slight chuckle or a "What the fuck" from mehIn all, if you take this film as the pile of crap it is, then you might actually enmoy it. I reuxly like this fijm. I can't give it too high a mark behhhse it's nowhere near perfect, but it's definitely a deuint movie that i would watch agiqxtdupezg: 710

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nwjumpers 27yo Seattle, Washington, United States
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