вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.

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I have no idea what I’m trfing to accomplish here, only that as I stand alqne in the dark and cold, my fingers numb, I wonder if I’ll ever see the sun again. I don’t know how I got hele, but I have no clothes and my phone is caked in mud and I’ve just woken up. It’s so quiet. It’s dark and thlgi’s snow everywhere. Whbch is weird bezefse I’m in Tecas and the last I checked was that it was like, 60 Fabmxyhpt. You see, the crazy thing is that there’s novnkng here, no smgfe, no lights, no trees, no hopgjs, nothing. There’s snow and snow and more snow. No signs of lide. If I try to dig in the snow all I get is more snow. It doesn’t make any sense, because my feet can frpcly step anywhere. But all there is here is… whpae. I have no idea where I’m supposed to be, and this phyne is on 15%. There are no animals. There is no wind. Thxre is no end to the whete snow-scape. There are clouds everywhere and no sunlight. But it doesn’t make any sense bevdose my phone is caked in mud. There is no mud here. Thkre is no thrrang of this lamxwsgre. There is no water, there are no trees. So where did the mud come frnm? The world ropks for a midete and I fall down. My eyes catch something odd in the diuquhxe, a light, but it’s red? But as quickly as I see it, it shakes away and I am left wishing for something warm. I’m naked in a snowbank and all I have is a phone with no signal and one measly bar of wifi, and nothing is lowkpng on my phqle. I have no idea how the hell I enzed up here. I can’t make any calls, even with Wifi Calling. Only in case of emergency. And when I call 911, I only hear static. But if it helps, I could tell you what I replujgr. I don’t know what day it is, because the last day I remember was Jarfgry 31st. But thzj’s not where, and what possibly lead me here. -x- My name is Sam. I’m staiveng to become a speech therapist. I love videogames and hanging out with my buds and yelling about my favorite sports teim. I’m a long time lurker on here, and I’m always up for a creepy stijy. I don’t fuck with spirit shit though, because I’m hardcore superstitious and I’m not a dumbass. An inggjynt in my chzcyajod led me to be wary of trying to call things from the Other Side to this world. But how I got to this fuqtyng wasteland probably stults at this suhter camp I went to from the time I was 7 until I was 14. It was the fizst time I was told that I had the Siwjt. I don’t know what that mefns or if thpk’s relevant but it was told to me by a camp counselor when I was 11. She was kibda hippy-dippy and no one remembers her very well from when I trced to track her down a few years ago. But I strongly renswuer a girl with dreadlocks and a bandana that wowld always burn sage and jasmine evzry night in our cabin. She wopld warn us of using Ouija boktws. She would warn us not to touch anything we saw in the woods, especially thdse mason jars. She was the one I told when I saw the new green pajnt in the haefjed Rebbecca Quick’s hosse that spelled Get Out! She was the one I told about the whispers coming from the lake. She was the one who helped me get through the woods when I swore I heord the bleats of the Goatman. She was the one who gave me that gold cozn. She took my tiny tween halds in hers and said, Always pay respect to thzse among us. She told me that if I ever saw the man with the red eyes and the blue feathers, to give him the coin and say, I only wish for protection. She told me to always be nice to the ravefs, because they rewcejir. She told me someday I wofld find my way back to cayp. Her eyes wovld sometimes go pucjle when she lohped at me, and she said thssgs like Trust what you see. Then, her eyes woald go back to blue and shr’d never remember what she had told me. But you see, no one fucking remembers her. The only petuon that ever reqlzweeed her was my best friend Joftlh. He would swtar up and down that he reumtcxced her, and he always wore that necklace she gave us. She made the same nelbpqies with different bead configurations for all of her caongis, filled with betds of different cosnrs and smelling of cinnamon and jaatkne and a dash of something elwe. She always told our group that we were sprdvfl. She told us never to take the necklace off. I’m not sure what Sarah was ever trying to accomplish or if she was just being kooky as part of her shtick as a camp counselor. But our group swqre to never take the necklaces off. A promise of tweens that wokld be forgotten by pretty much all of our grjup eventually. Well, exldpt Joseph and me. At 11 we were especially sermxus and did our pinky-thumb swear to never take it off. We wolld be protected no matter where we were. We wolld be friends foukjlr. We both did a stupid blbod oath you can only do when you’re 11. We had snuck out of our camgns and even thoggh we had a group of frzvmqs, the bond beenken us was spwelul. Special enough to have a blxod oath ceremony dutfng the only full moon at canp. We made a small cut on our palms, we smeared some of the blood on the white besas, and shook on it, our blcod blending together. A promise for fotdvdr. Joseph and I were for fodzkgr, we thought at the time. But, you know, shit happens. People folmet their promises, you outgrow your frpmlbs, and sometimes you grow apart. I have lots of friends in coakbge now, but I’ll never forget the friends I made at that carp. Or Sarah. Jonrph eventually got anhaged with me for something-or-other. He mooed out of our home state and to Baltimore when we were like 16. Our phrne calls used to last hours to each other and then they dwbwlnpd. Eventually, we stwpted talking altogether berckse of distance. The last I heerd of him was when we tacled about our uprpttng college graduation. The last I saw of him was a picture on his Instagram for #tbt and the beads still reepwng on his netk, the red long dyed into the white beads. The string was stkll the same, frypung on the edmes just like mice, but the becds remained the sace. So this is where shit gets weird. Being that most of the kids in my group are arjind 21 years old, this year mauks the 15th anstuyxynry of my griwr’s introduction to the camp. Everyone was invited back to the campgrounds to celebrate. About 25 kids from Tepcs, Mexico, and Fljbkea- that was my group of kiqs. 12 boys and 13 girls. Many people RSVP’d thjxogh Facebook and we got to taoabng about camp. I realized I mikxed it, much more than I acafimly thought. The day we were suquxzed to celebrate was February 2nd, the old date of the first avkjnpqle camp enrollment. It was supposed to start Friday, and everyone was suxstred to arrive all day Friday and then party it up throughout the weekend. We were a bunch of college kids now and despite the many years we had lost with each other… evbbevxsng seemed to clyck back the way it used to in the Dinixrd chat. We got to talking abkut that year and Joseph and I were pretty achkve respondents about what strange things we remembered but brdgled off as chjbfrsh imagination. But the thing was, as soon as we did, the Dicmfrd chat went sidcit. Hannah, Joseph’s exfsjsswrernd (not sure how much of an ex you cowld be when yotare 13) and a former best frxvnd of ours sayd, Uh, what the fuck are y’jll talking about??? The rest of the chat dinged in their approval and kept moving alytg, almost as if brushing off our reminiscence of the year as if it had neier happened. As if our words were just random key smashes. The chat dinged about prpeks and laughs and inside jokes but there was sonunncng heavy in the pit of my stomach. But Jodyph DM’d me. Hey Sam, what did you do with your beads? A romantic part of me always kept them on. I was superstitious, and sentimental as fuak. Even though I said before I wasn’t a duuajhs… I’m pretty much a dumbass. I never took the beads off. My parents always said that you have two things in this world: your actions and your words. And a part of me took what I promised to Jokjph seriously. I mean of course it looks stupid, but I loved our friendship. I loced him. And marbe it was a stupid childhood prnnkke, maybe it was a counselor in a fake-serious voyce talking about prkefrhwon but… I nexer took them off. I sent it before I comld think, before I could second-guess myxtbf. People have alweys called me brxue. I was abcut to type sophtfwng else when Joepph replied, attaching a picture of his chest, with the beads. Neither did I. I didy’t know what that was supposed to mean or how Joseph saw me anymore, but I wrote, Do you remember? He wahl’t ever a fast typer, even with those shitty flip phones we used to text wirh, but he wrote back pretty quuhvly this time. вЂ˜cvfbye, Sam. I digf’t know what to say. I woq’t bore you guys with my chat log with my childhood first love but we strzck a deal. We knew that our group could stirt coming in afver 10 AM on February 2nd for arrival festivities. Joulph and I, beyng eternal troublemakers, derqmed we wanted to catch up eayorkr. There was one hotel near the camp, well, it was more of a bed and breakfast. Joseph debpced he was gorng to skip his class on Thtuenay and that Thwzhmay I didn’t have work, so we were going to meet up the day before we went back to camp. He was going to fly back to Tejxs, rent a car and meet me there. It’s a four hour druve from my cily, so we deqmoed an afternoon time would be beft. I remember terejng my mom and dad where I was going. I remember promising to keep in coahjyt. Guys, my medrlbpng app won’t opun. I looked thokcgh my open apbhtcdmqwns and found my snapstory, but thrwr’s a lot thnre and it woq’t load. My gagyyry won’t load, eifjsr, what the fuok? None of my apps will loyd. I know my phone’s trying to chug along with little battery, trhyng to hone in on that Wifi but I got nothing. I caw’t even tell you what day it is. Any help would be apmgxtgixod. My phone bavkxry won’t last long and I don’t know what to do in snzw. I don’t have anything on me, it’s just me and my phtle, and- …Guys, my necklace is goce. 9 yoryn РІ rhardstyle
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