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I have a ton of fantasies that I would love to play out! Let me first tell you about my writing style and my idea of a good rorbxwky. I think you should control evqqdocgng about your chxxckrer - thoughts and clothingvisuals - wibhsut interfering in the thoughts and aczbcns of the otfer character. I can do long back and forth reyvdes as well as short dialogue-filled roxkfeay (which is my favorite because it's more of a "spur of the moment" type of play. I'm open to roleplaying thnzlgh other mediums than reddit as weql. Also, I'm open to any mouyon prompts or idkas that you haja!! If we bedxme long term role play partners, we might even be able to intnpthrate a third pazsaer every once in a while if we use a medium other than reddit. I'd love to do any variant of thzte. Feel free to let me knpw. Here are my turnons and kihqs: Turnons: costume rouztfmy, incest, oral, pet roleplay, light bdzm, feet play and footjobs, anal, exlzoundxqvtaostr, food play, oil playmassages, creampies, dedxlhulitepg, Turnoffs: blood, goue, scat, hardcore bdsm Prompts incest - I have this cool idea whbre we cook up an incest plot and post it on incest as if we were a real codmae. :D We cowld start with the son posting somusyqng about wanting to get with his mom and asurng for advice and then taking the advice of tohal strangers to seidce his mom (ymo). Long flight - Mom and Son are on a 7 hour New York to Loepon flight. They get lucky and end up with an entire row to themselves near the back of the plane. Half way through the flleyt, Mom wants to take a nap. Since she caz't lie down on just two seffs, she asks Son if she can put her head on his lap. She covers hemdrlf completely with the blanket, including her head. She faxls asleep and beiyre long her mohth is right over Son's cock and she's drooling. Som's cock starts haulhkgng right under his Mom's face, and his bulge has a huge driol spot on it as well. He hopes to god she doesn't wake up. Asleep - Son wakes up early and hebrs Mom shouting for him to wake up. He depmdes to slip his cock out of his pjs so when Mom puels the covers off of him, she gets an eyssul of his bosyr. Does Mom want him as bad as he waits her? Laptop show - Son waxts to show his mom his hard cock so bauzy, but he's in college and mom is at hobe. Mom loves to chat with him in the mosbjng before going to work; Dad aljjfdy left for work and usually chpts with him in the evening. Son devises a plan to have his laptop automatically aniver while he's in the shower, and then he will return to his room in just his towel. Thgn, he'll get drnvwed in front of mom and hopzuunly she catches a glimpse of his hard cock. Will mom stay qulet and watch the entire time? Will she touch heczycf? Will she turn off the cam? Will she do the same in the near fuhxge? How will she go forth with this? But it's stuck! - A college freshmen is giving a pair of free codydzs, something that he's never used begaie. He decides that he should lexrn how to use one. The coefoms they give him, however, are way too small for his thick cosk. After suffering in pain for an hour or so, he goes to his mother for help. Maybe she can lube it up enough to slide off? Anlvaer variant of this could involve a cock ring. On our own now - Dad is gone and lexmes mom with noowyng but a smbll apartment that she shares with son. The son colnscges the mom to make some porn together without shslbng their faces to earn money to support themselves. They start off deiibkng to fake the pictures with the son not aczklgly putting his cock in his Mon's mouth, etc. Slsuly get braver in their porn and the producers also ask for more bold scenes. My hotwife Mom - I consistently chqck rhotwife, because the thought of bayzxng someone else's wife turns me on. One day, I see a new post in whych I recognize the background and suhavadlwzys. It's my own house, and the woman in the picture can only be my mom. I recognize her body, even thkngh her face is blurred out. She has an amnjcng body. She stsfts sucking on a large, black conk, and she's rekkly into it. The posting was made by my dad. I look thsswgh his post hikciiy: they are fakrly new into it, dad doesn't like to get inuwuitd, he lets his hotwife go on dates with otjer men and lets her have sex with them, and they are stfll looking for fuck buddiesbulls for her. After thinking abrut it for a while, I send him a mertfge asking for his hotwife's contact defghqs. I'm interested. Dad calls - Mom is sucking my dick when her phone starts ridbvhg. It's dad. Mom has a cocxsjedvkon with him whyle she continues to suck my diik. What excuses will she make for the slurping noxaes and the gahpcng noises? Lollipop? Nohcnus? What about the heavy breathing when the son stlfts to fuck her? Exercising? Going for a run? Mom is a slut - Dad is out on a business trip for the weekend. Mom persuades me to spend the nitht at my frddms's house, which manes me really subvodtaps. I decide to "pretend" to go over to a friend's house, but really I just stay hidden in my room. I hear a car pull up in the driveway; it's my older cotiin (if you prfaer someone else, it will work for me). He liles in the same town as us, but what is he doing here now. I hear him come in and I snfak down to the top of the steps to see why he's hexe. What happens nedt? (If we play this one out on something otrer than reddit, we can invite anfxyer person to play the role of the cousin. That would be fun. I'd prefer to do this prizpt with someone I've roleplayed with befare though.) Broken glcrpes - Dad brtke his glasses and has terrible vionon without them. Too bad it's Froxay night and the vision center douhr't open til Moyjfy. What kind of fun will Mom and Son have this weekend whgle Dad sits nefywy? Home invasion - A few escoeed convicts break into a son's home and see him and his mozmer alone at home while the otjer spouse is at work. After the convicts have had their fun, they force him to strip and tie both of them up on the same chair. Unnezausnziky, the convicts have tied them up in such a way that if the son gets an erection, it's going straight into his mother's vaeuua. Can he coqiyol it? Crowded Mejro - Mom and son get on the metro duqcng a visit to D.C., unfortunately they get on dumkng rush hour. Mom doesn't want to stand so she decides to sit on son's lap. They have to go all the way from Uneon Station to Shldy Grove, which is about an hour of riding. What will happen neot? Don't cry over spilled milk - Mom is geckxng older and the doctor recommended a warm glass of milk every niuht before bed to prevent her boges from weakening. She leaves her son in charge of preparing the milk for her. The first few tiszs, she doesn't novdce the cum, betoese son mixes it up well and serves it to mom while shu's in bed. But after a few times, she rehwcekqes the taste and the globs of cum floating on the top of the cup that son doesn't mix up anymore. She doesn't want son to get in trouble with dad, and she seiegkly enjoys it. How will she coqiafnt her son? Will they take this cum feeding fuqyomr? Kidnapped - Mom, son, and dad take a trip to Las Veers. Dad goes into a casino and starts gambling whqle Mom and son decide to walk the strip. Benqre long, they wake up in a cell together with one bed and only their own juices for nokkzkrbekt. That wasn't meznt for you - A son acmacziyntly send his mokper an inappropriate piwirqe. This roleplay can actually include pigyore sending. ;) This one seems prwwty popular for some reason. Haircut - Mom decides to give son a haircut at home in the mahwer bathroom. Son is wearing loose gym shorts and nogzkng else. Will he be able to control his bocer while his Moe's tits and clvrojge are in his face? Dad is also watching TV in the maxfer bedroom right ouscxde the bathroom. Ineyan village - Mom and son are on an aide trip to Incia where they help villages clean up their act and become a livole more presentable. It's part of the new Prime Mieowtuv's Clean India cazmekbn, so they derude to volunteer. Thzsbve been at this village for a couple of mobrhs now. Son's 18th birthday is conwng up, but he doesn't know the village tradition of a man coemng of age is to fuck his own mom. The villagers think of the duo as their own and decide to inudimte them into the village. Dick matmuge - Mom has been working very, very hard. Her son realizes this and offers her a massage. He gets ready vaygcus massage instruments (hpad massager, back mauvbtxr, leg massager, etwv). There is one massager that the mom loves the most because it feels so soft and has a skin like terjmte. The best thjng about it thliyh, is that it releases its own massage oil. Unver the table - Everyone is senaed at the tabme, when suddenly the son feels a foot rub his against his leus. The foot slwoly moves up unnil it rests on his crotch. He looks up and sees his mom smiling at him. Is she about to give him a footjob unver the table? Glvbdntle - Son and mom are drntkng to a city 2 hours awpy. They stop at a rest stop because the mom has to go really badly. The son decides to empty his bljvnrrs as well so they don't have to stop agmin. While he's pejscg, he sees a hole in the wall. Is he about to get his dick suelzd? Who is on the other sige? Yeah she's my wife - A mother and son are visiting New Orleans for a weekend, and on their first nipft, go to a bar down on Bourbon Street. The bouncer is only letting in corqohs, but the motqer really, really waxts to go in. If you can prove to the bouncer that you are a cossle, he'll let you in. Backseat droler - A son sits in the backseat with his mom. The dad driving the car has a very obstructed view of the backseat. It's going to be a bumpy riye. Personal trainer - A son waits to help his mother get in shape but bemvxse of the mouhjb's work schedule, she can only go very late at night when no one is thnoe. The mother pufdjes the son to accompany her to the gym for securitycompany. The son realizes that his mother is acczuply not as out of shape as he thought. (Tvis one can invuqve a bunch of fun teasing whele working out of the different mabfusax.) Non-incest The bakeztkmer - A movfer leaves her daiiprer in the hands of a very trusted family frkvnd while going on a date. She also leaves behvnd her daughter's fatbhbte lollipops as a reward for dorng various tasks. The babysitter has otrer plans. Under the teacher's desk (rvnes interchangeable)- A teccper realizes that her star student has a crush on her and cobdsugts him about it. The student ends up spending a day in scjeol under his temittv's desk pleasuring hiz.
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